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Liber Hermetis 第十六章

发表于 2009-11-27 00:02:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

比如lot of fortune,lot of daemon 与 lot of basis的算法等等。

下图引自 O. Neugebauer 的 Greek Horoscopes (这应该可以归属于来自学术界的见解之一?)

不过由Robert Schmidt所翻译的Anthology,其内文说法倒是有另番不同的意思。


主要是因为Carmen Astrologicum也出现类似的问题。
这种情况下,并 不 能 用 该命例所使用到的技术工具去argue前文记载是错误的,
我想,也应该不会有"学者"如此儿戏 ?

希望我这样讲并没有刺激到将Vettii Valentis奉为圭臬者的神经?


XVIConcerning the Consideration of the Figure

In the consideration of the figure it is fitting before allthings to inquire regarding the ease and difficulty of birth, and so thefamiliar associations of the luminaries, whether they are associated with thosewhich are of the same sect as they are or of another, and if they are inmasculine or feminine quarters of the figure, and if the luminaries areconnected or unconnected with each other, and in which [sign] the lords of theAscendant are and if some are in a masculine, but others in a feminine [quarter];one can then expect as much as possible of an effect from these. Next, look forthe lords of the triplicity of the light of the sect, whether it is the Sun orthe Moon, or the horoscope, [also seek] the lord of their houses and the lordsof the terms and exaltation of the Sun and the Moon and the seven duodenariaeof the planets, where or in which [place] they fall. Find the Part of Fortuneand the decans and their lords and the lords of the triplicity and theappearances. With these under the Sun's rays, cadent, and aspected by themalefics and obsessed and opposing each other in turn and evilly cadent, theymake those who are born unnourishable, especially with the luminaries aspectedor obsessed by the malevolent [planets] and a conjunction by the malevolent[planets] being made especially with those who are not of the same sect. Thesethings being so it is fitting to consider nativities of this sort, as it were,unchanging and without years. With these things so it is fitting to inquire ofthe lords of the triplicity of the preceding conjunction or prevention and itslord and the lord of the terms.

In the second consideration again it is fitting to inquireof the lords of the triplicity and especially of the light of the sect andhoroscope and the Midheaven, lest by chance, they are in fall or are under therays of the Sun even for seven days. This configuration is significative oferror and contrariety. But if the lords of the triplicities especially of thelight of the sect are well situated, but aspect by the malevolent [planets],they cause a calamity and a violent death and. lords of the sect opposingthemselves produce the worst and most miserable things with regard to life.Look also to the bright fixed stars and the lucid degrees. When they are in thehoroscope or in the Midheaven or in the west or in the angle of the earth withone of the seven planets in the same degree, they signify great and strangenativities and especially with the Sun and Moon although they are planets, too.Look to see, indeed, lest by chance the lord of the Moon in the nativity maynot aspect her and likewise that the lord of the horoscope is not averse to it.For then it is not a man that is born but a monster or a quadruped'.

The third consideration is, that you look to the Moon andits lord and the lord of the term and the lord of the triplicity and the thirdand seventh and the fortieth day of it and its conjunctions and separations andappearances and the latitudes of the winds and its (i.e the Moon's) Nodes and circumferencesand the course of the nativity and if it is increased or decreased in course orin light, and its duodenaria and if it runs not enough or too mucks and if itis in the last degree of a sign. Because the separations of the Moon signifythose things which are of the body and the older brothers; but the conjunctionsoperations and pecuniary circumstances, its latitude, of the winds and greateror lesser motions, increase or decrease, being void of course' and the Nodeserrors and turbulence of life; but the obsessions' of the Sun and Moon and thehoroscope by the benevolent planets signify good things, but by the malevolent[planets] bad things. The same is signified by their duodenaria. The Nodesfalling on the ecliptic cause illnesses for the mother and the child. Theysignify an ignominious mother, but this is more the case when it is the Tail.In the last degrees of a sign they signify that the mother is ignoble, with theexception of Libra and Cancer. The last degree of Libra they call -The Increase."The last degree of Cancer, -The Wedding of the Gods."

They look at the lord of the triplicity and the angle of theearth because the first signifies the quality of death, the second sickness.lf, therefore, these are unfortunate, they exacerbate the death and illness,also if they are inimical to the place.

The fourth consideration is that you look at theconjunctions and prevention, in which places of the nativity they happen and towhat they are joined immediately after appearance and that they are notunfortunate. For a conjunction signifies those things which concern matrimony,friendship and society, and whatsoever the Moon signifies; the full Moon(signifies) glory, honors and dignities and whatever the Sun signifies. And thelords of the terms of the Sun and the Moon falling evilly under the Sun's rays,signify that the parents and natives are lowborn'. Similarly, if the malevolent(planets) aspect or oppose [them], they signify great dangers. Look to the lordof the conjunction or prevention, because if it is in the sixth or eighth orthe twelfth or horoscope it signifies a fall.

The fifth consideration is that you look to the Head andTail of the Dragon, in what places and in what decans they are. The Head, whenit is with the benevolent [planets] or with the Sun or Moon or with Mercury,causes harm to the nativity and induces disasters. When the Sun is with theHead or the Tail the father is harmed. But when the Moon is, the mother isdestroyed and called ignominious, especially when in the angles. But the Headwith Saturn and Mars signifies the same, especially in angles, because theHead, when it is with benevolent [planets] produces good, when with malevolent[planets], however, evil. Similarly, the Tail with Saturn and Mars producesgood, when with the others, depraved things. It lays aside theirvirtue..I..Lacuna in text). Look to the lord of the sixth and the twelfth placefrom the ascendant'. If they are in the ascendant they harm in youth: if in thewest, they harm in old age.

The sixth consideration is that you look to the duodenarypart of the planets, especially of the Sun and the Moon and the horoscope, inwhich place from the horoscope they are and by whom aspected. If theirduodenaria happen in four-footed signs with the horoscope, you may say that[the native] is a four-footed beast or monster; because it is especially [thecase] with the Sun, the Moon and the horoscope in four- footed signs, and moreso if the Part of Fortune and its lord are also there. Many times a figure ofthis sort makes grooms and stable boys or feeders of wild beasts, if thebenevolent [planet] aspect. See also the Part of the Downfall [by day] fromSaturn to Mars and project it from Mercury but at night the reverse. This partaspected by only one malevolent [planet] causes deceitful and dangerous anddisastrous nativities. See the configuration of the signs according to thesigns of equal ascension and according to the signs of equal virtues. Valenssays in his seventh discourse: It is fitting that Virgo and Aries havecommensuration, as do Libra and Pisces and the rest of the signs of equalascension and of one belt', In each nativity it is fitting to look at thesignifications of the decans with regard to the planets and the fixed starswhich rise with them according to Teucer the Babylonian and their faces and thelucid terms of the signs. Observe the squares of the Head and Tail [of theDragon] and note the degrees of the angles. Many times the planets in anativity being evilly cadent, lucid degrees of the fixed stars are found on theangles and they show that the nativities are great and excellent. Many[astrologers' ignore the virtues and operations of the fixed stars, but even inthe commixture of directions they make a great thing, if the planet, which ismixed, has the same latitude as the fixed star. Similarly, the fixed starswork, if they happen to be in one degree with planets according to the samelatitude.

The seventh consideration is that you look at the Part ofFortune and the Part of the Daemon and the Basis and of the exaltation of thenativity and their lords and their appearances and their places. If they areaverse to the ascendant in the angles while they are with the Part of Fortuneand with the benevolent [planets], they signify good fortune, provided thatthey are not under the [Sun's] rays. The Part of Fortune has the power of theascendant. But if, with these things posited thus, a single malevolent [planet]should aspect the eleventh place from the Part of Fortune or from theAscendant, which is cal. the Place of Acquisition and the Calodaemon, i.e.,happiness, especially if it is not in sect and is without the aspect of abenevolent [planet], it signifies an adverse accident of fortune. And if, withthese things having been posited, the other malevolent [planet] should aspectthe eighth place from the ascendant, or from the Part of Fortune or the lord ofthe eighth place, it signifies a violent death with defeat. But if the lord ofFortune and of the Part happen to be well, but the Part of the Daemon and itslord art evil and are aspected by malevolent [planets], they signify a fall,especially at night, because according to Ptolemy the Part of Fortune and thePart of the Daemon are the same' and are taken both by day and by night fromthe Sun to the Moon and the proportion and the distance which the Sun has, hesaid, to the ascendant in the figure, the same has the Moon to the Part ofFortune. The Part of Fortune is a lunar horoscope and so we say that thehoroscope of the nativity is solar and the Part of Fortune is lunar. But if thelord of exaltation of the nativity is evil and aspected by malevolent[planets], it causes the demolition of dignities and of works and idleness andsloth. But if the Part of Fortune is well located and aspected by thebenevolent [planets], its lord [being] found in the ninth place from thehoroscope, or the lord of the Daemon [is found in the ninth place from thehoroscope] the native will acquire benefit from sacred things or from religiousplaces, and if the lord of the Part of Fortune is found in the angle of theearth, he becomes the guardian of a treasure. But if the Part of Fortune andits lord happen to be in an aquatic sign, he acquires the same from watery andnautical things and he will give actuality to the nature of the zodiacal sign.It is fitting to look at the nature of the sign and place where the Part ofFortune and its lord fall, and to delineate the good fortunes or mishaps. Ifthe Part of Fortune and its lord is averse to the Sun, exiles happen, with theexception of those signs which are of one belt and of equal ascension and ofequal possibility. Consider the years of happiness and unhappiness and troublefrom the direction and location of all of the planets and angles and the Partof Fortune and of the Daemon, the traditions and assumptions of the lords ofthe years as well as the ascension of each planet according to the Egyptiansand from the period of the cycle of each planet, namely of the perfect meansand minors in the third climate.

And if, by chance, the planets are evilly configurated tothe eastern horizon, i.e., the ascendant, but well with the Part of Fortune andits lord, the early things will be unprofitable, but later things will be good.But if the configuration of the horoscope, the Part of Fortune and its lord arethe reverse, you may call the contrary and its fall the actuality. Theascendant signifies beginnings and the Part of Fortune, endings; thus the Partof Fortune and especially its eleventh place and its lord signify bodilypassions and possessions and substance. Likewise The Part of Fortune and thePart of the Daemon signify the first age, but their lords the later one. TheDaemon of the Sun signifies the passions of the soul and the performance of a thingand glory and the manner [of the performance?]. But the Basis signifies thefoundation of the Part of Fortune and of the Daemons; dividing therefore theyears of the nativity, not from the horoscope, you may count out the years fromthe Sun. Moon, or Part of Fortune. But if the native shall have a father or amother, you may count out the years from the Part of the Father or the Mother,and if you are inquiring concerning the parents, you may consider the year ofthe parents. This ought always to be known, that whoever shall have the twoluminaries in the sixth or eighth or twelfth places from the ascendant, [and]the lords of their triplicity, they make exiles and signify the exile of theparents, namely that those who are unfortunate and abject and with the parentsbeing abject, if anywhere the lord of the term of the Part of Fortune is foundin an angle, it makes the evil endure and the fall and the humility to persistuntil it completes the revolution of its minor cycle. Indeed, each has threerevolutions: maximum, medium and minor, so that if Saturn is found in an angleas lord of the Part of Fortune, we call the nativity unfortunate, because itwill be unfortunate through its minor revolution, which is after 30 years, andyou will understand the same regarding the other stars. It is fitting to know,because, if the lord of the term or the lord of the Part of Fortune are in anangle and it is found to be under the Sun's rays, and unfortunate, in the termof an infortune, it does not operate for years but for months' of the minorreturn.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-1 02:58:46 | 显示全部楼层

可实际上能这样么 ? 不可能。
其他比如衡量星体力量的工具之一-proper face(almugea)。
在Bonatti的 Liber Astronomae里的记载(Treatise III),
那么究竟是孰是孰非 ?
但问题是判断星体力量大小的工具并不仅有proper face一种,
落入的宫位(包括以lot of fortune为准),星座等等,

因为对『实务论断』与『论命准确』根本没有帮助 ??
说了再多又能怎样 ?
那么跟随这位西洋刘伯温准错不了了 ?
能这样么 ? 我想,占星确实是需要脑 的 脑力活呢。



[5] Pertaining to this <topic> is that which Ptolemy described as facing'.2
This is the case if <the distance> between a planet and the Sun, when it is
western (i.e. following the Sun in the ascendant), is equal to what is between
the house of this planet and the house of the Sun (<`house' in the sense of> one
of the signs);3 or <if the distance> between it and the Moon, when it is east
of the Moon (i.e. when the Moon follows it),  is equal to what is between its
house and the house of the Moon (<`house' in the sense of one> of the signs).
Therefore, when a planet is following the Sun and <is in a certain position>
in regard to the Sun—as for Saturn, in the sixth sign from it; as for Jupiter,
in the fifth sign from it; as for Mars, in the fourth sign from it; as for Venus,
in the third sign from it; as for Mercury, in the second sign from it—in this
<situation> it is said that it (the planet) is 'facing' the Sun. Likewise when,
between each planet and the Moon, while the Moon is following, these signs
are counted out for each planet, it is said that it is  'facing' the Moon.

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